Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Harvest Moon DS ~ Ground Upgrade

Upgrade Bangunan

The cheapest material you can use. Grass buildings are thrifty deals, but they can collapse in rain. The buildings can even collapse on sunny days! You can collect Grass material by using your Sickle on the pasture grass you can grow. You also can buy the material from Rick for 20 G each, but there's no Grass Bin to store it in until you build the Fodder Silo.

A bit better than Grass, but still not very stable. Wooden buildings won't break just because they feel like it, but during Hurricanes and Snow Storms don't expect them to hold up. You collect Wood materials by chopping stumps and sticks with your Axe, or buy it for 50 G each from Gotz

The most affordable and reliable material at 200 G per piece. Stone buildings can withstand any weather that can occur in your game, and will not be destroyed by storms. Smash the rocks and boulders with your Hammer to collect this material for free.

Golden Lumber
Finally this material has a purpose! A building made with Gold can stand up to any weather that it has to go through. They are also very expensive to build. Gold Lumber can only come from the Thomas' Winter Request event (just like the one in Friends of Mineral Town for GBA) or from buying it directly from Gotz for 100,000 G a piece. The only advantage to a Gold Lumber building versus the Stone Lumber building is its looks.
When you hire Gotz to construct a building he will ask you what material you wish to use. He will also offer the option to purchase the necessary material at the same time as his employment payment, or if you already have the materials on hand. The only buildings you can't select your material to us are your house upgrades and your Duck Pond. Those buildings must be made using Stone. The next day he will stop by your house and ask you to pick a location for the new building to be constructed. All of Gotz's jobs take 3 days, with time off for festivals and Saturday. Hiring him to demolish a building only takes him 1 day. 

Cost (alone)
Cost (plus materials)
Upgrade #1
req. Table
Stone: 3000 G
Stone: 43,000 G
Upgrade #2
req. Kitchen in JP version
Stone: 10,000 G
Stone: 150,000 G
Bath room
Grass: 3000 G
Wood: 30,000 G
Stone: 60,000 G
Gold: 600,000 G
Grass: 4160 G
Wood: 32,900 G
Stone: 176,000 G
Gold: 58,600,000 G
Toilet room
Grass: 2000 G
Wood: 20,000 G
Stone: 40,000 G
Gold: 400,000 G
Grass: 2800 G
Wood: 40,000 G
Stone: 120,000 G
Gold: 40,400,000 G
Basement #1
underground greenhouse
Grass: 10,000 G
Wood: 100,000 G
Stone: 200,000 G
Gold: 2,000,000 G
Grass: 30,000 G
Wood: 150,000 G
Stone: 400,000 G
Gold: 102,000,000 G
Basement #2
underground greenhouse
Grass: 50,000 G
Wood: 500,000 G
Stone: 750,000 G
Gold: 7,500,000 G
Grass: 70,000 G
Wood: 550,000 G
Stone: 950,000 G
Gold: 107,550,000 G
Basement #3
underground greenhouse
Grass: 200,000 G
Wood: 2,000,000 G
Stone: 3,000,000 G
Gold: 30,000,000 G
Grass: 220,000 G
Wood: 2,050,000 G
Stone: 3,200,000 G
Gold: 130,000,000 G
Poultry Barn
houses 4 birds
Grass: 500 G
Wood: 5000 G
Stone: 10,000 G
Gold: 100,000 G
Grass: 8900 G
Wood: 26,000 G
Stone: 94,000 G
Gold: 42,100,000 G
Livestock Barn
houses 4 animals
Grass: 680 G
Wood: 6800 G
Stone: 13,000 G
Gold: 130,000 G
Grass: 10,680 G
Wood: 31,800 G
Stone: 101,300 G
Gold: 50,130,000 G
Fodder Silo
holds cut grass
Grass: 200 G
Wood: 2000 G
Stone: 4000 G
Gold: 40,000 G
Grass: 2200 G
Wood: 7000 G
Stone: 24,000 G
Gold: 10,040,000 G
Mushroom House
Grass: 1000 G
Wood: 10,000 G
Stone: 20,000 G
Gold: 200,000 G
Grass: 7000 G
Wood: 25,000 G
Stone: 35,000 G
Gold: 30,200,000 G
Maker Barn
Grass: 3000 G
Wood: 30,000 G
Stone: 60,000 G
Gold: 600,000 G
Grass: 10,200 G
Wood: 48,000 G
Stone: 132,000 G
Gold: 36,600,000 G
Wood Bin
Stone Bin
Grass: 200 G
Wood: 2000 G
Stone: 4000 G
Gold: 40,000 G
Grass: 2200 G
Wood: 7000 G
Stone: 24,000 G
Gold: 10,040,000 G
Gold Bin
Grass: 2000 G
Wood: 20,000 G
Stone: 40,000 G
Gold: 400,000 G
Grass: 4000 G
Wood: 25,000 G
Stone: 60,000 G
Gold: 10,400,000 G
Vacation Villa
extra house
Grass: 1,000,000 G
Wood: 10,000,000 G
Stone: 20,000,000 G
Gold: 200,000,000 G
Grass: 1,020,000 G
Wood: 10,050,000 G
Stone: 20,200,000 G
Gold: 300,000,000 G
Duck Pond
fish storage
Stone: 100,000 G
Stone: 220,000 G

Mushroom House
300 Pieces of...
Supply your own
1000 G
10,000 G
20,000 G
200,000 G
Included w/ cost
7000 G
25,000 G
35,000 G
30,200,000 G

Level 01
35 days
50 G
80 G
120 G
42 days
100 G
130 G
160 G
59 days
350 G
500 G
800 G 

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