Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Rune Factory 3 ~ Cooked Dishes Recipe Lists

Cooked Dishes Recipe Lists

Cooked Dishes are organised by Cookware or Utensil as the Cookbook will be
found only when you access the appropriate Utensil at your Kitchen Counter.
As failures can be created using any Utensil,  I have created a separate
category for these.


Failed Dish: 10G
  A failed, charred-black attempt at cooking.  You can still eat it, but you'll
only taste failure. 
  Sell: 2G
  HP Rec -20%, HP Max -10%, RP Max -10%, STR -10%, VIT -10%, INT -10%
  Effect: 3 Hours

Super Fail: 100G
  Is it possible to fail this miserably?  Eat at your own peril.
  Sell: 50G

Hand/No Utensil Dishes:

Pickled Turnip: 960G  (Lv. 1)
  Picked turnip.  Its refreshing taste is great for cleaning the palate.
  Ingredients;  Pink Turnip
  Sell: 480G
  Skill Level 2

Pickled Turnip: 960G  (Lv. 1)
  Picked turnip.  Its refreshing taste is great for cleaning the palate.
  Ingredients;   Turnip
  Sell: 480G
  Level 3

Pickles: 500G
  Cucumber pickled for a short period.  Very popular to munch on.
  Ingredients:  Cucumber
  Sell: 250G
  HP Rec +50, RP Rec +35%, HP Max +50
  Level 6

Rice Ball: 300G
  Rice pressed into a triangle shape.  Often packed as lunches, as they're good
on the go
  Ingredients:  Rice.
  Sell: 150G
  Skill Level 6
  HP Rec +50%
  Effect: 6 Hours

Bread: 660G
  A staple of cooking.  Can be toasted or filled and used in a variety of
  Ingredients:  Flour
  Sell: 330G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +20%, HP Max +10
  Skill Level 9

Bamboo Rice: 400G  (Lv. 1)
  Rice mixed with bamboo shoots.  A delciious spring dish.
  Ingredients:  Rice, Bamboo
  Sell: 200G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +50%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +2
  Skll Level 10

Raisin Bread: 1340G
  Bread sprinkled with dried raisins.  Soft, with a sweet-yet-sour tang.
  Ingredients:  Bread, Grape
  Sell:  670G
  Skill Level 12

Pickle Mix: 1680G
  A mix of spring and winter turnip pickles.  The white and crimson colours
make a striking contrast.
  Ingredients:  Turnip, Pink Turnip
  Sell: 840G
  HP Rec +80, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +20, INT +2
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 12

Ice Cream: 960G
  A dessert made from frozen milk.  Halves water damage, but makes you
vulnerable to fire damage.
  Ingrediens:  Small Milk
  Sell: 420G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +65%, RP Max +50, VIT -8, INT +6
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 14

Salmon Rice Ball: 3800G
  Salted salmon surrounded by rice, then formed into a triangle.  Raises chance
of criticals.
  Ingredients:  Salted Salmon, Rice
  Sell: 1900G
  HP Rec +75%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30, STR +14%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 15

Fruit Sandwich: 2380G
  Fruit placed between slices of bread.  Its refreshing taste makes it a tasty
  Ingredients:  Strawberry, Bread, Orange, Apple
  Sell: 60G
  RP Rec +50%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +60, RP Max +80, STR -2, INT +2
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 15

Salad: 7920G
  A combination of raw vegetables.  Very, very nutritious. 
  Ingredients: Boiled Egg, Cucumber, Daikon Radish, Tomato, Cabbage
  Sell: 390G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +100, RP Max +50, STR -4
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 16

Ice Cream: 960G
   A dessert made from frozen milk.  Halves water damage, but makes you
vulnerable to fire damage.
  Ingrediens:  Medium Milk
  Sell: 480G
  Skill Level 16

Sandwich: 6960G
  Veggies and other fillings placed between slices of bread.  Can be eaten with
just one hand.
  Ingredients: Pink Cat, Tomato, Cucumber, Boiled Egg, Bread
  Sell: 3480G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +125, RP Max +110, STR -3, VIT +2
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 18

Ice Cream: 960G
  A dessert made from frozen milk.  Halves water damage, but makes you
vulnerable to fire damage.
  Ingredients: Large Milk
  Sell: 480G
  Skill Level 18

Turnip Heaven: 5160G
  The turnips of the world, finally together.  Eat all three colours at once
for the best experience.
  Ingredients:  Turnip, Pink Turnip, Gold Turnip
  Sell 2580G
  Skill Level: 20

Relax Tealeaves: 140G
  A combination of various medicinal herbs.  Can be eaten as is, but better
when made into a tea.
  Ingredients:  White Grass, Medicinal Herb, Green Grass, Yellow Grass, Blue
Grass, Purple Grass
  Sell: 70G
  HP Rec +10%, RP Rec +10%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 25

Knife Dishes

Squid Sashimi: 260G
  Slices of raw squid served up for consumption.  Generally eaten with soy
  Ingredients:  Squid
  Sell: 130G
  Skill Level 9

Masu Trout Sashimi: 200G
  Slices of raw masu trout served up for consumption.  Generally eaten with soy
  Ingredient:  Masu Trout
  Sell: 100G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +10%, STR +3, INT -2
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 12

Sardine Sashimi: 440G
  Slices of raw sardine served up for consumption.  Generally eaten with soy
  Ingredient: Sardine
  Sell: 220G
  HP Rec +10%, RP Rec +15%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 15

Char Sashimi: 640G
  Slices of raw char served up for consumption.  Grenerally eaten with soy
  Ingredients:  Char
  Sell: 320G
  HP Rec +25, RP Rec +15, STR +4, VIT -1, INT -1
  Skill Level 15

Shrimp Sashimi: 580G
  Shrimp, first shelled, then served up raw.  Generally eaten with soy sauce.
  Sell: 290G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +20%, STR -5%, INT +7%
  Skill Level 17

Cherry Sashimi: 240G
  Slices of raw cherry salmon served up for consumption.  Increases chance of
  Ingredient: Cherry Salmon
  Sell: 120G
  HP Rec +15%, RP Rec +10%, STR +2, INT -1
  Skill Level 18

Pike Sashimi: 140G
  Slices of raw pike served up for consumption.  Resists seal effect.
  Ingredient: Pike
  Sell: 70G
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +20%, HP Max +10%, STR +2, INT -1
  Skill Level 18

Poison Sashimi: 540G
  Slices of raw poison rainbow trout served up for consumption.  It still has
poison left.
  Sell: 270G
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +30%, HP Max +10, STR +12%, VIT +1
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 21

Needlefish Sashimi: 280G
  Slices of raw needlefish served up for consumption.  Generally eaten with soy
  Ingredients:  Needlefish
  Sell: 140G
  HP Rec +25%, RP Rec +25%, STR +4, INT +1
  Skill Level 22

Salmon Sashimi: 560G 
  Slices of raw salmon served up for consumption.  Generally eaten with soy
  Ingredients:  Salmon
  Sell: 280G
  HP Rec +40%, RP REc +30%, HP Max +20%, STR +5, VIT -15
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 25

Skipjack Sashimi: 1480G
  Slices of raw skipjack tuna served up for consumption.  Generally eaten with
soy sauce or wasabi.
  Ingredient: Skipjack
  Sell: 740G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, STR +6%, VIT -2
  Skill Level 28

Turbot Sashimi: 1200G
  Slices of raw turbot served up for consumption.  The outer rim of the fish is
especially tasty.
  Ingredient: Turbot
  Sell: 600G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +45%, RP Max +20, STR +6, INT -2
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 29

Flounder Sashimi: 2360G
  Slices of raw flounder served up for consumption.  The outer rim of the fish
is especially expensive.
  Sell: 1180G
  HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +20, STR +9, VIT -4
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 31

Snapper Sashimi: 1740G
  Slices of raw snapper.  Increases chance of crit hits, but also makes you
more vulnerable to them.
  Ingredients:  Snapper
  Sell: 870G
  HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +30%, HP Max +15%, STR +2, VIT +4
  Level 32

Yellowtail Sashimi: 23840G
  Slices of raw yellowtail served up for consumption.  Its layers of fat give
it a rich, full taste.
  Ingredients:  Yellowtail
  Sell: 11920G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +30%, STR +8, VIT +6
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 35

Fall Sashimi  17860G
  Sashimi cut from raw fall flounder.  its outer edge is said to help maintain
beauty and youthful looks.
Ingredients:  Fall Flounder
  Sell:  8930G
  Skill Level 37

Lamp Squid Sashimi: 15380G
  Lamp squid, sliced raw and its lamp gently seasoned.  But if you eat its
lamp, you'll become sealed.
  Ingredient: Lamp Squid
  Sell: 7690G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +60%, RP Max +15%, STR +8, VIT +2
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 38

Taimen Sashimi  33860G
  Slices of raw taimen served up for consumption.  Generally eaten with soy
  Ingredients:  Taimen
  Sell:  16930G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +30%, STR +18%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 40

Glitter Sashimi  45920G
  Rare glitter snapper.  The ultimate in high-class sashimi.  Greatly reduces
light damage.
  Ingredients:  Glitter Snapper
  Sell:  22960G
  Skill  Level:  41

Sunsquid Sashimi: 36240G
  A rare squid sliced raw.  Its flavour is popular with a select group of
people in the know.
  Ingredient:  Sunsquid
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +45%, STR +12%, VIT +10
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 42

Lobster Sashimi: 1560G
  Lobster, first shelled, then sliced up.  Its sweet flavour is very popular.
  Ingredient: Lobster
  Sell: 780G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec + 25%, STR -4%, INT +12%

Frying Pan Dishes

Salted Char: 620G
  Char, salted, then fried.  The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be when
  Ingredients:  Char
  Sell: 310G
  HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +25%, STR +3, INT +1
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 12

Croquettes: 3220G
  Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried.  Loved by the masses
for their simplicity and taste.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Potato, Small Egg
  Sell: 1610G
  HP Rec +240, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 14

Croquettes: 3220G
  Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried.  Loved by the masses
for their simplicity and taste.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Potato, Medium Egg
  Sell: 1610G
  HP Rec +240, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 16

Fried Squid: 308G (Lv. 2)
  Squid, salted then fried.  Goes well with mayonnaise and mustard.
  Ingredients:   Squid
  Buy: 147G
  HP Rec +25%, RP Rec +25%, STR +4, VIT +2
  Skill Level 16

Cornflakes: 2360G
  Corn, flattened and then baked.  High in nutrition, it's manly eaten at
  Ingredients:  Corn, Small Milk
  Sell: 1180G
  HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +60%, STR +3
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 17

Salted Masu Trout: 200G
  Masu Trout, salted, then fried.  The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be
when cooked.
  Ingredients:  Masu Trout
  Sell: 100G
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +15%, STR +2, INT -1
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 17

Croquettes: 3220G
  Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried.  Loved by the masses
for their simplicity and taste.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Potato, Large Egg
  Sell: 1610G
  HP Rec +240, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 18

French Toast: 3760G
  Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs.  Known and loved for simply melting
in your mouth.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Bread, Small Egg.
  Sell:  1880G
  Skill Level 19

Dried Sardines: 1660G
  Numerous sardines skewered, then dried.  Raises chance of landing critical
  Ingredients: Sardine x 3
  Sell: 830G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +25%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 20

Cornflakes: 2360G
  Corn, flattened and then baked.  High in nutrition, it's manly eaten at
  Ingredients:  Corn, Medium Milk
  Sell: 1180G
  HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +60%, STR +3
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 20

Salted Pond Smelt: 140G
  Pond Smelt, salted then fried.  The resher the fish, the tastier it'll be
when cooked. 
  Ingredients: Pond Smelt
  Sell: 70G
  HP Rec +10%, RP Rec +25%, STR +4, INT +1
  Skill Level 21
  Found first in a tiny cave opening on the river in the Autumn Dungeon.

Pancake: 8020G
  Often eaten at breakfast.  Makes you resistant to poison, paralysis and
  Ingredients:  Flour, Honey, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk, Medium Egg
  Sell: 4010G
  HP Rec +240, RP Rec +45%, RP Max +25%, INT +4
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 22

Grilled Shrimp: 600G
  Shrimp, flavoured, then whole-grilled.  Its crispy crunch is loved by many.
  Ingredients:  Shrimp
  Sell 300G
  HP Rec +240, RP Rec +50%, STR -4, INT +5
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 22

Cornflakes: 2360G
  Corn, flattened and then baked.  High in nutrition, it's manly eaten at
  Ingredients:  Corn, Large Milk
  Sell: 1180G
  HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +60%, STR +3
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 23

French Fries: 1980G
  Peeled and sliced potatoes fried in oil.  So crispy, salty and addictive.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Potato
  Sell: 990G
  HP Rec +260, RP Rec +40%, RP Max +20%, INT +2
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 23

Salted Pike: 2360G
  Pike, Salted, then fried.  Often eaten in fall.  Resists seal damage.
  Ingreidients: Daikon Radish, Pike
  Sell: 1180G
  HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +15%, STR +3, VIT -4
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 23

French Toast: 3760G
  Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs.  Known and loved for simply melting
in your mouth.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Bread, Medium Egg.
  Sell:  1880G
  HP Rec +55%, RP Rec +50%, STR -7, VIT +8
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 23

Salted C. Salmon: 240G
  Cherry Salmon, salted, then fried.  Increases chance of critical hits.
  Sell: 120G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +20%, STR +2, VIT +1, INT -1
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 23

Fried Udon: 3460G
  The first person to fry udon is said to have done so on a whim.  Now it's
widely loved.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Flour, Onion, Carrot, Cabbage
  Sell: 4730G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +25%, VIT +12
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 24

Fried Crucian Carp: 320G
  Cruician Carp, salted, then fried.  The fresher the fish, the tastier it will
be when cooked.
  Sell: 160G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +45%, STR +6, VIT -1
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 24

Fried Mackerel: 440G
  Mackerel, salted, then fried.  The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be
when cooked.
  Ingredient: Mackerel
  Sell: 220G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +20%, STR +3, INT +1
  Skill Level 24

Pancake: 8020G
  Often eaten at breakfast.  Makes you resistant to poison, paralysis and
  Ingredients:  Flour, Honey, Sweet Powder, Large Milk, Large Egg
  Sell: 4010G
  HP Rec +240, RP Rec +45%, RP Max +25%, INT +4
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 24

Baked Apple: 14520G
  A sweet treat, blending spices and the flavour of apple perfectly.  Halves
fire and wind damage.
  Ingredients:  Hot-Hot Fruit, Apple
  Sell: 7260G
  HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +30%, STR -12, INT +8
  Skill Level 25

Gyoza:  6760G
  A meat and vegetable mix wrapped in a thin piece of dough.  Can be either
fried or boiled.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Flour, Onion, Cabbage.
  Sell:  3380G
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max -40, STR +4, VIT +1, INT +2
  Effect: 6 hours
  Skill Level:  25

Salted P. Trout: 560G
  Poison Rainbow Trout, salted, then fried.  Careful!  Some poison's left over!
  Ingredients: Poison Rainbow Trout
  Sell: 280G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +30%, HP Max +10%, STR +6%, VIT +1
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 26

Fried Needlefish: 280G
  Needlefish, salted, then fried.  The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be
when cooked.
  Ingredients:  Needlefish
  Sell: 140G
  HP Rec +15%, RP Rec +20%, STR +7, VIT -5, INT -4
  Skill Level 27

French Toast:  3760G
  Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs.  Known and loved for simply melting
in your mouth.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Bread, Large Egg.
  Sell:  1880G
  Skill Level 27

Salted Chub: 1360G
  Chub, salted, then fried.  The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when
  Ingredient: Chub
  Sell: 680G
  HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +30%, STR +6
  Effect: 6 hours
  Skill Level 27

Popcorn: 1200G
  Corn kernels heated until they pop.  Generally eaten salted, but sugar or
even caramel will work.
  Ingredients:  Corn
  Sell: 610G
  VIT +2
  Skill Level 27

Cabbage Cakes: 5480G
  Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked.  Each region has its
own recipe.
  Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Small Egg
  Sell: 2740
  HP Rec + 40%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +20%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +8
  Skill Level 28

Cabbage Cakes: 5480G
  Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked.  Each region has its
own recipe.
  Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Medium Egg
  Sell: 2740
  HP Rec + 40%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +20%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +8
  Skill Level 29

Salted Salmon: 580G
  Salmon, salted, then fried.  The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be
when cooked.
  Ingredient: Salmon
  Sell: 290G
  HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +12%, STR +2, VIT -7
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 30

Fried Eggs: 1100G
  The definitive home-cooked egg dish.  Makes you a bit resistant to critical
  Ingredients:  Small Egg
  Sell:  550G
  HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +40%, VIT +6, INT +3
  Skill Level 30

Cabbage Cakes: 5480G
  Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked.  Each region has its
own recipe.
  Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Large Egg
  Sell: 2740
  HP Rec + 40%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +20%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +8
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 30

Fried Veggies: 9600G
  Various vegetables mixed and fried together.  Easier to eat than when raw.
  Ingredients: Carrot, Oil, Cabbage, Green Pepper, Onion
  Sell: 4800G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +55%, STR +6
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 31

Salted Taimen: 34900G
  Taimen, salted, then fried.  The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be
when cooked.
  Ingredients:  Taimen
  Sell: 17450G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, STR +18
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 31

Omelet  2420G
  A standard, plain omelet.  Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
  Ingredients:  Small Milk, Small Egg
  Sell:  1210G
  HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +50%, STR -4, VIT +9, INT +4
  Skill Level 32

Fried Skipjack: 1520G
  Skpjack, lightly fried on one side.  Halves all incoming wind damage.
  Ingredients:  Skipjack
  Sell: 760G
  HP Rec +25%, RP Rec +25%, STR +4, VIT -2, INT +1
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 33

Fried Eggs  1100G
  The definitive home-cooked egg dish.  Makes you a bit resistant to critical
  Ingredients:  Medium Egg
  Sell:  550G
  HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +40%, VIT +6, INT +3
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 33

Fried Gibelio: 1060G
  Gibelio, salted, then fried.  The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be
when cooked.
  Ingredients:  Gibelio
  Sell: 530G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +45%, STR +9
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 34

Fried Turbot: 1240G
  Turbot, salted, then fried.  Slightly increases chance of landing critical
  Ingredients: Turbot
  Sell: 620G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, RP Max +10, STR +3
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 34

Miso Eggplant: 1520G
  Miso added to roasted eggplant.  Has a mellow, distinguishing taste.
  Ingredients:  Eggplant
  Sell: 760G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +35%, STR -2, VIT +3
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 34

Grilled Lobster: 1620G
  Lobster, flavoured, then whole-grilled.  A gorgeous dish, it looks like a
feast simply by itself.
  Ingredients:  Lobster
  Sell: 810G
  HP Rec +55%, RP Rec +40%, STR -1%, INT +10%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 34

Omelet  2420G
  A standard, plain omelet.  Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
  Ingredients:  Medium Milk, Medium Egg
  Sell:  1210G
  HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +50%, STR -4, VIT +9, INT +4
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 34

Donuts: 5620G
  Flour and butter shaped into a ring, then baked.  Resistant to seal and
  Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Butter, Medium Egg
  Sell: 380G
  HP Rec +20, STR +2
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level  35

Omelet  2420G
  A standard, plain omelet.  Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
  Ingredients:  Large Milk, Large Egg
  Sell:  1210G
  HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +50%, STR -4, VIT +9, INT +4
  Skill Level 36

Fried Flounder: 2440G
  Flounder, salted, then fried.  Slightly increases chance of landing critical
  Sell: 1220G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +10, STR +9, VIT -1
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 36

Fried Eggs  1100G
  The definitive home-cooked egg dish.  Makes you a bit resistant to critical
  Ingredients:  Large Egg
  Sell:  550G
  HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +40%, VIT +6, INT +3
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 36

Fried S. Flounder: 200G
  Sand flounder, salted, then fried.  Halves fire and earth elemental damage.
  Sell: 100G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec -10%, HP Max +20%, STR +12, VIT +5
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 36

Donuts: 5620G
  Flour and butter shaped into a ring, then baked.  Resistant to seal and
  Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Butter, Large Egg
  Sell: 380G
  HP Rec +20, STR +2
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level  37

Fried Rice: 5980G
  Rice and egg fried together in oil.  Makes you a bit resistant to being
knocked away.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Rice, Leek, Green Pepper, Medium Egg
  Sell: 2990G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, VIT +12
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 37

Fried Snapper: 1800G
  Snapper, salted, then fried.  Raises chances of landing critical hits.
  Sell: 900G
  HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +32%, STR +1, VIT -2
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 37

Omelet Rice: 12880G
  Chicken and rice wrapped in an omelet.  Makes you a bit resistant to critical
  Ingredients:  Omelet, Rice, Ketchup
  Sell: 6440G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +60%, VIT +13, INT +8
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 39

Risotto: 7780G
  Rice and sauce in wonderful harmony.  Halves all types of damage.
  Ingredients: Oil, Rice, Onion, Tomato, Toyherb
  Sell: 3980G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, VIT -50%
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 39

  Fried Rice: 5980G
  Rice and egg fried together in oil.  Makes you a bit resistant to being
knocked away.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Rice, Leek, Green Pepper, Large Egg
  Sell: 2990G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, VIT +12
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 39

Dry Curry: 5340G
  Unlike regular curry, made without a sauce.  Makes you vulnerable to all type
  Ingredients:  Oil, Curry Powder, Rice, Carrot, Green Pepper, Onion
  Sell: 2870G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +45%, RP Max -50%, STR +15%, INT +15
  Effect 6 Hours
  Skill Level 40

Fried Yellowtail: 29360G
  Yellowtail, salted, then fried.  The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be
when cooked.
  Ingredients:  Daikon Radish, Yellowtail
  Sell: 14680G
  HP Rec +55%, RP Rec +25%, STR +8, VIT +6
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 40

Tempura  9180G
  Various foods coated in flour and egg, then fried.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Onion, Shrimp, Medium Egg.
  Sell:  4590G
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max -25%, RP Max +50%, STR +8
  Skill Level 40

Fried Girella: 420G
  Girella, salted, then fried.  You'll be a little harder to knock away.
  Ingredients:  Girella
  Sell: 210G
  HP Rec +45%, RP 40%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 41

Curry Bread: 15800G
  Baked bread with curry in the centre.  Makes you vulnerable to all type
  Ingredients:  Oil, Flour, Dry Curry
  Sell: 7900G
  HP Rec  +420, RP Rec +50%, RP Max -50%, STR +20%, INT +20%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 42

Fried Fall Flounder: 22620G
  Fall flounder, salted, then fried.  Slightly increases chance of landing
critical hits.
  Ingredients:  Fall Flounder, Daikon Radish
  Sell: 11310G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, STR +9
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 42

Tempura  9180G
  Various foods coated in flour and egg, then fried.
  Ingredients:  Oil, Onion, Shrimp, Large Egg
  Sell:  4590G
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max -25%, RP Max +50%, STR +8
  Skill Level 42

Fried Lamp Squid: 36580G
  Lamp Squid.  A little bitter after being fried, but still popular with real
gourmet connoisseurs. 
  Ingredients: Lamp Squid, Lamp Grass
  Sell: 18290G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +70%, RP Max +20%, STR +12, VIT +4
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 43

Fried L. Snapper: 22660G
  Lover Snapper, salted, then fried.  Resists critical hits.
  Ingredients:  Lover Snapper
  Sell: 11330G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +60%, STR -4, VIT +8, INT +4%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 44

Fried G. Snapper: 47520G
  Glitter Snapper, salted, then fried.  Greatly reduces light damage.
  Ingredients: Glitter Snapper
  Sell: 23760G
  HP REc +60%, RP Rec +50%, STR +12, VIT +2
  Skill Level 48

Fried Sunsquid: 37480G
  Sunsquid, salted, then fried.  The fresher the squid, the tastier they'll be
when cooked.
  Ingredients:  Sunsquid
  Sell: 18740G
  HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +35%, STR +8%, VIT +6, INT +4%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 47

Tuna Teriyaki: 37820G
  Fried Tuna with sweet sauce added.  Basting during cooking is key.
  Ingredients:  Daikon Radish, Tuna
  Sell: 18910G
  HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, RP Max +18%, STR +16%, VIT -6
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 48

Fried Blowfish: 37740G
  Fried blowfish.  Makes you fairly resistant to poison.
  Ingredients:  Blowfish, Antidote Herb x 2
  Sell: 18870G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +50%, STR +8%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 56

Mixer Dishes

Medium Mayonnaise: 560G
  Made from processing eggs.  Has a variety of uses on many types of food, from
vegetables to fish. 
  Ingredient: Small Egg
  Sell: 280G
  Skill  Level 5

Medium Yogurt: 600G
  Made from processing milk.  Settles and smooths the workings of the stomach.
  Ingredients:  White Grass, Small Milk
  Sell: 300G
  RP Rec +50%
  Skill Level 5

Apple Juice: 166G
  Fresh apple juice.  Allows the natural taste, colour and flavour of apples to
be completely enjoyed.
  Sell: 84G (Lv. 2)
  Skill Level 8
  HP Rec + 20%, RP Rec +30%, STR + 1, INT +4

Butter: 620G
  Churned milk.  Unlikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an ingredient in
  Sell: 310G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +15%, VIT +4
  Skill Level 9

Medium Mayonnaise: 560G
  Made from processing eggs.  Has a variety of uses on many types of food, from
vegetables to fish. 
  Ingredient: Medium Egg
  Sell: 280G
  Skill  Level 10

Medium Yogurt: 600G
  Made from processing milk.  Settles and smooths the workings of the stomach.
  Ingredients:  White Grass, Medium Milk
  Sell: 300G
  RP Rec +50%
  Skill Level 10

Orange Juice: 200G
  Fresh oranges squeezed dry to make juice.  Behind the crisp acidity lies the
perfect sweetness.
  Sell: 100G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +45%, STR -1, VIT -1, INT +5
  Skill Level 11

Pineapple Juice: 2860G
  Juice freshly squeezed from fresh piineapples.  Has a beautiful colour,
fragrance, and sweet, sweet taste.
  Ingredient:  Pineapple
  Sell: 1480G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +40%, STR -1, INT +8
  Skill Level 13

Vegetable Juice  7240G
  Juice packed with highly nutritious vegetables.  Addicting, even though it's
bitter and not so tasty.
  Ingredients:  Pumpkin, Pink Turnip, Carrot, Spinach.
  Sell:  3620G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +65%, RP Max +20%, STR -8, VIT +1, INT +12
  Skill  Level 14

Vegetable Ole: 13700G
  Vegetables mixed with milk to take off its bitterness.  Some people actually
like this unique flavour. 
  Ingredients:  Vegetable Juice, Small Milk
  Sell: 6850G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +75%, HP Max +10, RP Max +30%, STR -10, VIT +5, INT +16 
  Skill Level 15

Medium Mayonnaise: 560G
  Made from processing eggs.  Has a variety of uses on many types of food, from
vegetables to fish. 
  Ingredient: Large Egg
  Sell: 280G
  HP Rec +100
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill  Level 15

Strawberry Milk: 2340G
  A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on one's
taste.  Sweet and easy to drink.
  Ingredients:  Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Small Milk
  Sell: 1170G
  Skill Level 15

Grape Juice: 240G
  Fresh grape juice.  Very sweet, with a strong, enticing aroma.
  Ingredients: Grape
  Sell: 120G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +40%, VIT +1, INT +3
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 15

Fruit Juice  4760G
  A mixture of fruit juices.  Twice the flavor, twice the nutrition, four times
the enjoyment,
  Ingredients:  Pineapple, Apple, Grapes, Orange
  Sell:  2380G
  Skill Level 16

Vegetable Ole: 13700G
  Vegetables mixed with milk to take off its bitterness.  Some people actually
like this unique flavour. 
  Ingredients:  Vegetable Juice, Medium Milk
  Sell: 6850G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +75%, HP Max +10, RP Max +30%, STR -10, VIT +5, INT +16 
  Skill Level 16

Strawberry Milk: 2340G
  A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on one's
taste.  Sweet and easy to drink.
  Ingredients:  Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Medium  Milk
  Sell: 1170G
  Skill Level 17

Vegetable Ole: 13700G
  Vegetables mixed with milk to take off its bitterness.  Some people actually
like this unique flavour. 
  Ingredients:  Vegetable Juice, Large Milk
  Sell: 6850G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +75%, HP Max +10, RP Max +30%, STR -10, VIT +5, INT +16 
  Skill Level 17

Butter: 620G
  Churned milk.  Unlikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an ingredient in
  Ingredient: Medium Milk
  Sell: 310G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +15%, VIT +4
  Skill Level 18

Fruit Ole: 9600G
  A mixture of fruit juices.  Twice the flavour, twice the nutrition, four
times the enjoyment.
  Ingredients:  Fruit Juice, Small Milk
  Sell: 4800G
  HP Rec +55%, RP Rec +60%, VIT -8, INT +10
  effect: 3 hours
  Skill Level 18

Tomato Juice: 840G
  Juice packed with the rich nutrients from tomatoes.
  Ingredients: Tomato
  Sell: 420G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +15%, INT +5
  Skill Level 18

Hot Juice: 15080G
  A drink made from Hot-Hot Fruits.  Never gets cold.  Halve fire damage.
  Ingredients:  Hot-Hot Fruit, Red Grass, Heavy Spice
  Sell: 7540G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +25%, RP Max -25%, STR -45
  Skill Level 19

Strawberry Milk: 2340G
  A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on one's
taste.  Sweet and easy to drink.
  Ingredients:  Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Large Milk
  Sell: 1170G
  Skill Level 19

Hot Juice  15080G
  A drink made from Hot-Hot Fruits.  Never gets cold.  Halves fire damage.
  Ingredients:  Hot-Hot Fruit, Red Grass, Heavy Spice.
  Sell:  7540G
  Skill Level 19

Fruit Ole: 9600G
  A mixture of fruit juices.  Twice the flavour, twice the nutrition, four
times the enjoyment.
  Ingredients:  Fruit Juice, Medium Milk
  Sell: 4800G
  HP Rec +55%, RP Rec +60%, VIT -8, INT +10
  Skill Level 19

Fruit Ole: 9600G
  A mixture of fruit juices.  Twice the flavour, twice the nutrition, four
times the enjoyment.
  Ingredients:  Fruit Juice, Large Milk
  Sell: 4800G
  HP Rec +55%, RP Rec +60%, VIT -8, INT +10
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 20

Medium Cheese: 660G
  Made from processing milk.  Has a distinctive flavour.  Can e eaten as is, or
used on or in many dishes.
  Ingredients:  Yellow Grass, Small Milk
  Sell: 330G
  RP Rec +75%
  Skill Level 20

Medium Yogurt: 600G
  Made from processing milk.  Settles and smooths the workings of the stomach.
  Ingredients:  White Grass, Large Milk
  Sell: 300G
  RP Rec +50%
  Skill Level 20

Mixed Juice: 21900G
  A mix of fruit and vegetable juices.  Makes you slightly resistant to status
  Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Fruit Juice
  Sell: 10950G
  HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +80%, RP Max +30%, STR -6, VIT -6, INT +18
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 22

Ketchup: 3240G
  A condiment made from tomatoes.  Goes well with eggs, potatoes and
  Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
  Sell: 1620G
  HP Rec +25%, RP Rec +20%, HP Max +18
  Skill Level 23

Prelude to Love: 13000G
  Its sweet-yet-sour rush hits you like Cupid's arrow.  Halves all types of
  Ingredients: Pink Melon, Strawberry
  Sell: 6500G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max -50%, RP Max -50%
  Effect: 3 hours
  Skill Level 24

Medium Cheese: 660G
  Made from processing milk.  Has a distinctive flavour.  Can e eaten as is, or
used on or in many dishes.
  Ingredients:  Yellow Grass, Medium Milk
  Sell: 330G
  RP Rec +75%
  Skill Level 25

Butter: 620G
  Churned milk.  Unlikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an ingredient in
  Ingredient: Large Milk
  Sell: 310G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +15%, VIT +4
  Skill Level 27

Mixed Ole: 44380G
  Fruit, veggies and milk all mixed together.  Cures fatigue and resists status
  Ingredients:  Fruit Ole, Vegetable Ole
  Sell: 22190G
  HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +20%, VIT +8, INT +19
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 28

Medium Cheese: 660G
  Made from processing milk.  Has a distinctive flavour.  Can e eaten as is, or
used on or in many dishes.
  Ingredients:  Yellow Grass, Large Milk
  Sell: 330G
  RP Rec +75%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 30

Gold Juice: 83880G
  A blend of golden things found across the world.  To be honest, not very
pleasant to drink.
  Ingredients:  Golden Pumpkin, Emery Flower, Gold Potato, Gold Turnip, Gold
  Sell: 41940G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, VIT +10, INT +28%
  Skill Level 32

Pot Dishes

Hot Milk: 900G
  The simplest of dishes.  Just warm milk.  Makes you slightly resistant to
  Ingredients:  Small Milk
  Sell: 450G
  HP Rec +120, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +30, VIT +2
  Skill Level 5

Hot Milk: 900G
  The simplest of dishes.  Just warm milk.  Makes you slightly resistant to
  Ingredients:  Medium Milk
  Sell: 450G
  HP Rec +120, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +30, VIT +2
  Skill Level 7

Hot Milk: 900G
  The simplest of dishes.  Just warm milk.  Makes you slightly resistant to
  Ingredients:  Large Milk
  Sell: 450G
  HP Rec +120, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +30, VIT +2
  Skill Level 9

Hot Chocolate: 360G
  Chocolate added to warm milk.  Makes you slightly resistant to poison.
  Ingredients:  Chocolate
  Sell: 180G
  Skill Level 12

Boiled Egg: 940G
  Simple dish usiing eggs.  Can be runny or hard.  Resists seal effect.
  Ingredient: Small Egg
  Sell: 470G
  Skill Level 13

Boiled Spinach: 440G
  Spinach, boiled, then flavoured.  Boil it for too long, through, and it'll be
completely bland.
  Ingredients:  Spinach
  Sell: 220G
  Skill Level 14

Boiled Egg: 940G
  Simple dish usiing eggs.  Can be runny or hard.  Resists seal effect.
  Ingredient:  Medium Egg
  Sell: 470G
  Skill Level 14

Boiled Egg: 940G
  Simple dish usiing eggs.  Can be runny or hard.  Resists seal effect.
  Ingredient:  Large Egg
  Sell: 470G
  HP Rec +120, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +25, STR +2
  Skill Level 15

Grape Liqueur: 6800G
  A combination of wine and grapes cooked in a pot.  Easier to land criticals
after drinking.
  Ingredients:  Grape, Charm Blue, Purple Grass, Wine
  Sell: 800G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +60%, VIT -15, INT -10%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 18

Apple Jam: 600G
  A sweet preserve made from apples.  Generally eaten spread on bread or toast.
  Ingredients:  Apple x 3
  Sell: 300G
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, STR -12%, VIT +2, INT +12%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 23

Marmalade: 780G
  A sweet preserve made from oranges.  The peels are also grated up and
  Ingredients:  Orange x 3
  Sell: 390G
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, STR -2%, INT +10%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 24

Strawberry Jam: 1760G
  A sweet preserve made from strawberries.  Generally eaten spread on bread or
  Ingredients:  Strawberry x 3
  Sell: 880G
  HP rec +30%, RP +40%, STR -4%, INT +16%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 25

Boiled Gyoza: 3020G
  Gyozas with thicker dough are used to allow boiling.  Has a moist, refined
  Ingredients: Flour, Spinach, Cabbage
  Sell: 1510G
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +50,%, HP Max -25, STR +4, VIT +2, INT +2
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 26

Udon: 24200G
  Thick, wide noodles.  Slippery to pick up, but go down easily.
  Ingredients: Pink Turnip, Carrot, Flour, Mixed Herbs
  Sell: 12100G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +30%
  Skill Level 29

Egg Bowl: 4340G
  A flavoured egg mixture poured over rice.  The eggs can be sweet or salty,
depending on your own taste.
  Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Small Egg
  Sell: 2170G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +120, STR -8, VIT +2
  Skill Level 32

Rice Porridge: 36080G
  Rice boiled in water, softening it.  Cures fatigue and colds, resistant to
  Ingredients:  Rice, Mixed Herbs, Hot-Hot Fruit
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50, VIT +8, INT -4
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 33

Curry Udon: 4200G
  A combination of udon and curry.  Udon generally goes well with grains, but
this combination works, too.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Curry Powder, Pink Turnip, Carrot
  Sell: 2100G
  Max -50%, STR +10%, INT +10%
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 33

Tempura Bowl: 20600G
  Tempura and sauce on top of a bowl of rice.  The combination of the three
creates a great taste.
  Ingredients:  Rice, Tempura, Sour Drop
  Sell: 10300G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +70%, HP Max +25%, RP Max +50%
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 34

Boiled Pumpkin: 3640G
  Flavoured pumpkin boiled in a pot, creating a hot, sweet pumpkin dish.
  Sell:  1820G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +45%, HP Max +100, VIT +8, INT -2
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 35

Egg Bowl: 4340G
  A flavoured egg mixture poured over rice.  The eggs can be sweet or salty,
depending on your own taste.
  Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Medium Egg
  Sell: 2170G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +120, STR -8, VIT +2
  Skill Level 35

Flavoured Radish: 1780G
  Daikon radish boiled, then flavoured. Easily disgested and gentle on the
  Ingredients:  Daikon Radish
  Sell: 890G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +80, RP Max +80, INT +4
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level: 36

Tempura Udon: 73700G
  Udon with tempura on top.  The debate to either keep the tempura crisp or let
it soak rages even today.
  Ingredients:  Tempura, Udon, Sour Drop
  Sell: 3685G
  HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +60%, RP Max +50%, STR +6, VIT +19, INT +6
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 37

Egg Bowl: 4340G
  A flavoured egg mixture poured over rice.  The eggs can be sweet or salty,
depending on your own taste.
  Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Large Egg
  Sell: 2170G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +120, STR -8, VIT +2
  Effect:  12 Hours
  Skill Level 38

Glazed Yam: 1380G
  Fried yam glazed with sweet honey.  Fun to eat, and a very popular dish.
  Ingredients:  Yam, Sweet Powder
  Sell: 690G
  HP Rec +35%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +15%, VIT +5, INT +6
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 39

Rockfish Stew: 5080G
  Stewed until the meat falls off.  Cures paralysis, halves fire and earth
  Ingredients;  Rockfish, White Cabbage
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, STR -11, VIT +15
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 41

Milk Porridge: 1600G
  Milk added to rice porridge.  Cures fatigue and colds; also raises
  Ingredients:  Rice, Small Milk
  Sell: 800G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +60%
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 42

Milk Porridge: 1600G
  Milk added to rice porridge.  Cures fatigue and colds; also raises
  Ingredients:  Rice, Medium Milk
  Sell: 800G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +60%
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 44

Milk Porridge: 1600G
  Milk added to rice porridge.  Cures fatigue and colds; also raises
  Ingredients:  Rice, Large Milk
  Sell: 800G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +60%
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 46

Cheese Fondue: 13960G
  A hefty amount of cheese melted in a pot.  Eaten with bread.
  Ingredients:  Bread, Medium Cheese x 4
  HP Rec +45%, RP Rec +45%, HP Max +40%, STR +5, VIT +5, INT +6
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 47

Grape Jam: 900G
  A sweet preserve made from grapes.  Generally eaten spread on bread or toast.
  Sell: 450G
  HP Rec +30%, RP Rec +40%, STR -8%, INT +12%

Curry Rice: 3440G
  A mealtime staple-- so much that there isn't any one who hasn't had it.
Halves fire damage.
  Ingredients:  Rice, Carrot, Curry Powder, Orange Grass, Heavy Spice
  Sell: 1720G
  Skill Level 55

Union Stew: 36880G
  A pot filled with a bit of everything.  Cooked at the table... and all must
fight over portions.
  Ingredients:  Daikon Radish, Leek, White Cabbage x 2, Hot-Hot Fruit
  Sell: 18440G
  HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +20%, STR +9, VIT +8, INT +4
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 58

Stew:  10340G
  Milk and vegetables boiled together.  Halves water, earth, wind and light
  Ingredients: Flour, Potato, Carrot, Onion, Medium Milk
  Sell: 5170G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +70%, HP Max +50%, STR -12%, VIT +14
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 58

Relax Tea: 23400G
  A tea infused with a variety of herbs.  Cures all but colds and raises
  Ingredients:  Relax Tealeaves, Honey, Pink Melon, Leek
  Sell: 11700G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +80%, RP Max +60%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 64

Stew:  10340G
  Milk and vegetables boiled together.  Halves water, earth, wind and light
  Ingredients: Flour, Potato, Carrot, Onion, Large Milk
  Sell: 5170G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +70%, HP Max +50%, STR -12%, VIT +14
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 64

Ultimate Curry: 7140G
  The product of years of seeking the ultimate curry.  Halves fire damage.
  Ingredients:  Wine, Devil Blood, Insect Skin, Curry Powder, Heavy Spice
  Sell: 3570G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +50%, RP Max -50%, STR +25%, INT +25%
  Skill Level 70

Royal Curry: 35860G
  A curry loved by nobles.  Requires a top chef to prepare.  Greatly reduces
fire damage.
  Sell: 17930G

Steamer Dishes

Dumplings: 120G
  Small balls of sweet rice paste on skewers.  Cures poison and highly resists
critical hits.
  Ingredients:  Dumpling Powder
  Sell: 60G
  Skill Level 11

Plain Manju: 23640G
  Ingredients wrapped in a soft, plump skin and steamed.  Resists all status
  Ingredients:  Flour, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Mixed Herbs
  Sell: 11820G
  Skill Level 30

Pudding: 1100G
  A wobbly, quivering dessert.  Cures fatigue and colds and resists allstatus
  Ingredients:  Small Egg
  Sell: 550G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max -20%, VIT +10, INT +8%
  Skill Level 31

Pudding: 1100G
  A wobbly, quivering dessert.  Cures fatigue and colds and resists all status
  Ingredients:  Medium Egg
  Sell: 550G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max -20%, VIT +10, INT +8%
  Skill Level 33

Steamed Bread: 4640G
  Bread that's been steamed.  Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Honey, Small Egg
  Sell: 2320G
  HP  Rec +40%, RP Rec +45%, HP Max +80, STR -5, VIT +2
  Skill Level 33

Curry Manju: 3520G
  A curry-filled manju.  Resists all status effects but makes you vulnerable to
elemental damage.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Carrot, Curry Powder, Bamboo Shoot
  Sell: 1760G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, RP MAX -50%, STR +10%, INT +10%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 34

Pudding: 1100G
  A wobbly, quivering dessert.  Cures fatigue and colds and resists all status
  Ingredients:  Large Egg
  Sell: 550G
  HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max -20%, VIT +10, INT +8%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 35

Steamed Bread: 4640G
  Bread that's been steamed.  Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Honey, Medium Egg
  Sell: 2320G
  HP  Rec +40%, RP Rec +45%, HP Max +80, STR -5, VIT +2
  Skill Level 36

Steamed Bread: 4640G
  Bread that's been steamed.  Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Honey, Large Egg
  Sell: 2320G
  HP  Rec +40%, RP Rec +45%, HP Max +80, STR -5, VIT +2
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 39

Steamed Cake: 4820G
  A light, fluffy cake.  Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to all
status ailments.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Honey, Small Millk
  Sell: 2410G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, STR -5%, VIT +4, INT +7
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 41

Steamed Cake: 4820G
  A light, fluffy cake.  Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to all
status ailments.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Honey, Medium Millk
  Sell: 2410G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, STR -5%, VIT +4, INT +7
  Skill Level 42

Steamed Cake: 4820G
  A light, fluffy cake.  Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to all
status ailments.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Honey, Large Millk
  Sell: 2410G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, STR -5%, VIT +4, INT +7
  Skill Level 43

Pumpkin Pudding: 9640G
  Pudding with the added sweetness and fragrance of pumpkin.  Makes you resist
all stat effects.
  Ingredients:  Honey, Pumpkin, Yellow Grass, Medium Egg
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +15%, VIT +12, INT +6%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 44

Cheese Bread: 6140G
  Streamed bread baked with cheese.  Makes you a bit resistant to all status
  Ingredients;  Flour, Honey, Medium Cheese
  Sell: 680G
 HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +18%, STR -2, VIT +15, INT +4
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 45

Steamed Gyoza: 7580G
  Gyoza, cooked the standard way.  Makes you resistant to all status ailments.
  Sell: 3790G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +20%, STR -16%, VIT +12
  Effect; 6 Hours
  Skill Level 45

Pumpkin Pudding: 9640G
  Pudding with the added sweetness and fragrance of pumpkin.  Makes you resist
all stat effects.
  Ingredients:  Honey, Pumpkin, Yellow Grass, Medium Egg
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +80%, HP Max +15%, VIT +12, INT +6%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 48

Poundcake: 2300G
  A sweet, square cake.  Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you resistant to
all status ailments.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Small Egg
  Sell: 150G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, VIT +18
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 48

Meat Dumplings: 10220G
  A popular snack.  Resists seal and other status ailments.
  Ingreidients:  Flour, Cabbage, Green Grass, Shrimp, Onion
  Sell: 5110G
  HP Rec +25%, RP Rec +35%, HP Max +22%, STR -14%, VIT +15, INT +8%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 49

Poundcake: 2300G
  A sweet, square cake.  Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you resistant to
all status ailments.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Medium Egg
  Sell: 150G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, VIT +18
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 51

Poundcake: 2300G
  A sweet, square cake.  Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you resistant to
all status ailments.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Large Egg
  Sell: 150G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30%, VIT +18
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 54

Oven Dishes

Cookie: 1800G
  Simple, baked flour mix cookie.  Crisp and obviously handmade, it makes the
perfect gift.
  Ingredients: Flour, Small Milk
  Sell: 900G
  HP Rec +15%, RP Rec +40%, STR -12, INT +8
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 12

Toast: 1000G
  Beautifully browned bread.  Fights daily with cereal for the title 'King of
  Ingredients;  Bread
  Sell: 500G
  HP Rec +50, HP Rec +55, RP Rec +20%, HP Max +50, STR +8, VIT +4
  Skill Level 14

Cookie: 1800G
  Simple, baked flour mix cookie.  Crisp and obviously handmade, it makes the
perfect gift.
  Ingredients: Flour, Medium Milk
  Sell: 900G
  HP Rec +15%, RP Rec +40%, STR -12, INT +8
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 15

Cookie: 1800G
  Simple, baked flour mix cookie.  Crisp and obviously handmade, it makes the
perfect gift.
  Ingredients: Flour, Large Milk
  Sell: 900G
  HP Rec +15%, RP Rec +40%, STR -12, INT +8
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 18

Baked Rice Ball:360G
  A rice ball that has been baked.  Its crispy crunch just can't be beat.
  Ingredients:  Rice Ball
  Sell: 180G
  HP Rec +75%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 22

Chocolate Cookie: 5320G
  Simple, baked flour mix cookie.  Covered in plenty of chocolate, its sweet
yet bitter taste is addictive.
  Ingredients:  Chocolate, Cookie, Butter
  Sell: 2660G
  HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +50%, STR -18, INT +16
  Skill Level 22

Roasted Yam: 600G
  A slow-roasted yam.  Prevalent in the fall, often baked in the flames of a
  Ingredients:  Yam
  Sell: 300G
  HP rec +65%, RP Rec +25%, HP Max +20%, RP Max +10%, VIT +5
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 24

Corn on the Cob: 2760G
  Fragrantly roasted corn.  Sweet and juicy.
  Ingredients:  Butter, Corn
  Sell: 1380G
  HP Rec +190, RP Rec +35%, HP Max +100, RP Max +30
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 28

Jam Roll: 10500G
  Bread baked with jam in the middle.  Makes a great snack.  Cures fatigue.
  Ingredients:  Strawberry Jam, Butter Roll
  Sell: 5250G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80, STR -2%, VIT +8, INT +15%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 32

Jam Roll: 10500G
  Bread baked with jam in the middle.  Makes a great snack.  Cures fatigue.
  Ingredients:  Apple Jam, Butter Roll
  Sell: 5250G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80, STR -2%, VIT +8, INT +15%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 32

Jam Roll: 10500G
  Bread baked with jam in the middle.  Makes a great snack.  Cures fatigue.
  Ingredients:  Grape Jam, Butter Roll
  Sell: 5250G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80, STR -2%, VIT +8, INT +15%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 32

Jam Roll: 10500G
  Bread baked with jam in the middle.  Makes a great snack.  Cures fatigue.
  Ingredients:  Marmalade, Butter Roll
  Sell: 5250G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +80, STR -2%, VIT +8, INT +15%
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 32

Butter Roll: 4780G
  Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter.  Also known as 'table rolls',
they're small and easy to eat.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Butter, Small Egg, Small Milk
  Sell: 2390G
  HP Rec +100, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +60
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 36

Apple Pie: 6160G
  A bounty of apple baked in a pie crust.  Cures fatigue.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Butter, Honey, Apple x 2
  Sell: 3080G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +60%, RP Max +14%, INT +8%
  Skill Level 36

Butter Roll: 4780G
  Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter.  Also known as 'table rolls',
they're small and easy to eat.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Butter, Medium Egg, Medium Milk
  Sell: 2390G
  HP Rec +100, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +60
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 38

Butter Roll: 4780G
  Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter.  Also known as 'table rolls',
they're small and easy to eat.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Butter, Large Egg, Large Milk
  Sell: 2390G
  HP Rec +100, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +60
  Effect: 6 Hours
  Skill Level 40

Yam Dessert: 5540G
  Butter and milk mixed into yam strainings, then poured into moulds and baked.
  Ingredients:  Yam, Butter, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk
  Sell: 2770G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max -25%, RP Max +16%, INT +18%
  Skill Level 44

Pizza: 19240G
  Various toppings placed on round dough, then baked.  There are literally
unlimited variations.
  Ingredients:  Ketchup, Eggplant, Flour, Onion, Medium Cheese x 2
  Sell: 9620G
  HP Rec +20, RP Rec +30, HP Max +5
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 44

Yam Dessert: 5540G
  Butter and milk mixed into yam strainings, then poured into moulds and baked.
  Ingredients:  Yam, Butter, Sweet Powder, Large Milk
  Sell: 2770G
  HP Rec +50%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max -25%, RP Max +16%, INT +18%
  Skill Level 48

Seafood Pizza: 20920G
  A pizza topped with shrimp and squid.  Looks fantastic and smells great, too.
  Ingredients:  Ketchup, Squid, Flour, Shrimp, Medium Cheese x 2
  Sell: 10460G
  HP Rec +60%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +30%, STR +10%, VIT +4
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 48

Gratin: 10840G
  Sauce and cheese mixed and baked in a dish.  Slightly increases chance of
  Ingredients:  Flour, Onion, Orange Grass, Medium Cheese x 2
  Sell: 5240G
  HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +38%, RP Max +60, VIT +16
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 51

Doria: 8360G
  Rice topped with a homemade sauce, then baked until crispy.
  Ingredients:  Butter, Cucumber, Rice, Onion, Medium Milk
  Sell: 4180G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +50%, VIT +11
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 51

Seafood Gratin: 14740G
  Gratin containing the best of the sea.  Raises chance of critical hits.
  Ingrdients:  Onion, Shrimp, Flour, Squid, Medium Cheese
  Sell: 7370G
  HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +60%, HP Max +45%, RP Max +90, STR +20%, VIT +18
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 53

Doria: 8360G
  Rice topped with a homemade sauce, then baked until crispy.
  Ingredients:  Butter, Cucumber, Rice, Onion, Large Milk
  Sell: 4180G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +50%, VIT +11
  Skill Level 53

Seafood Doria: 12400G
  Doria that contains the best of the sea.  Packed with seafood and rice, so
it's sure to fill you up.
  Ingredients:  Butter x 2, Shrimp, Squid, Rice, Medium Cheese
  Sell: 6200G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +60%, STR +15%, VIT +12
  Effect: 12 Hours
  Skill Level 58

Cake: 8180G
  Your basic, standard-issue cake.  Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Strawberry, Butter, Pink Cat, Medium Milk
  Sell: 4090G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +85%, RP Max +30%, INT +15%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 59

Cake: 8180G
  Your basic, standard-issue cake.  Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
  Ingredients:  Flour, Strawberry, Butter, Pink Cat, Large Milk
  Sell: 4090G
  HP Rec +70%, RP Rec +85%, RP Max +30%, INT +15%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 60

Chocolate Cake: 6020G
  Cake covered in chocolate.  Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
  Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Chocolate, Medium Milk
  Sell: 3010G
   HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +90%, RP Max +40%, INT +22%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 62

Chocolate Cake: 6020G
  Cake covered in chocolate.  Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
  Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Chocolate, Large Milk
  Sell: 3010G
   HP Rec +80%, RP Rec +90%, RP Max +40%, INT +22%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 64

Cheesecake: 7880G
  A cheese-flavoured baked sweet.  Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
  Ingredients:  Flour x 2, Medium Cheese, Medium Egg
  Sell: 3940G
  HP Rec +90%, RP Rec +95%, RP Max +50%, INT +28%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 68

Cheesecake: 7880G
  A cheese-flavoured baked sweet.  Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
  Ingredients:  Flour x 2, Medium Cheese, Large Egg
  Sell: 3940G
  HP Rec +90%, RP Rec +95%, RP Max +50%, INT +28%
  Effect: 3 Hours
  Skill Level 72

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