Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Rune Factory 2 : A Fantasy Harvest Moon ~ Walktrough

Daftar Tool :
  1. Mana: Watering Can and Hoe
  2. Barrett: Fishing Rod (Pole)
  3. Gordon in 1st Request: Hammer
  4. Tanya in 1st Request: Axe
  5. Jake in 1st Request: Sickle
  6. Herman in 1st Request:  Milker
  7. Egan in 1st Request: Clippers
  8. Cecilia in 1st Request: Pet Glove
  9. Rosalind in second Request:  Harvest Basket
  10. : Fishing Rod (Pole)
  11. Gordon in 1st Request: Hammer
  12. Tanya in 1st Request: Axe
  13. Jake in 1st Request: Sickle
  14. Herman in 1st Request:  Milker
  15. Egan in 1st Request: Clippers
  16. Cecilia in 1st Request: Pet Glove
  17. Rosalind in second Request:  Harvest Basket
  18. Ceci in second Request: B
  19. Natalie in first Request:  Empty Bottle
  20. Byron in first Request: Empty Bottle
  21. Douglas in his 4th Request: Empty Bottle

  1. Let Me Tell You Your Fortune : (minim bawa 100g sebelum cari alicia )
  2. I Want ThiThis s No Matter What : Amethyst (Padova – Crossroad/Blessia)
  3. Fullfill A Prophecy : Bicara ke Cecilia
  4. Fulfill Another Prophecy : Bicara ke Barrett
  5. I Need Your Thoughts On Something : Semangati dia.
  6. Fulfill One More Prophecy : Temui Mana di Alvarna - Cherry Blossom Square
  7. Can You Find Something For Me? : Sapphire (Messhina - Path to Mountain)
  8. Fulfill One Last Prophecy : Trieste - Grassy Path & bunuh Orc.
  9. I Have A Small Favor To Ask Of You : Temui Alicia di Padova
  10. Find Me A Crystal Ball? : ke Padova - Ice Field di pojok utara-barat

  1. Please Find Something : bawa ruby, tanpa bunuh apapun (PET GLOVE)
  2. Looking For Special Ingredients : indigo grass (BRUSH)
  3. I Need Someone To Stay Over : Tidur di INN
  4. Company For Stargazing : 9 PM at Alvarna - Falling Star Path.
  5. Male Bonding : bicara ke Jake
  6. I Want You To Ask You Something (tergantung LV hati)
  7. I Have Something For You : Yes untuk Apple Pie
  8. Something's Really Bothering Me : Trieste – Entrance
  9. Something Very Important To Me : Round Stone. in Messhina - Bridge to Shrine.
  10. A Very Important Request (Marriage) Quest kelar bila kalian menikah.

  1. I Dropped Something : temui di sebelah Inn, cari amulet di harbor, beri ke Dorothy
  2. I Did It Again : Trieste - Aegis Fall
  3. I'd Like Some Wool, But : bawa wooly Furball
  4. I Want To Ask You Something : Jawab "To help everyone as much as I can"
  5. Can You Do Me A Favor?
  6. Something About The Future .. : Latihan Interviuw?
  7. It's About Cammy  : Bicara dg cammy
  8. I Made Some Cookies : at Alvarna - West End around the church,
  9. It's About Fern : hanya bicara
  10. I .. Have Something .. To Say: ketemu di Alvarna - Port besok-nya.

  1. Lost And Found : antar barang ke Gordon
  2. More Lost And Found : antar barang ke Tanya
  3. New And Improved Soap : bilang it’s nice
  4. I Just Need A Break Sometimes : beli salad dari Toko
  5. A Tough Job : Ambil pedant, dekat pelabuhan
  6. Something I've Noticed : mandi sampe pingsan
  7. I Made A Little Mistake : Lihat event?
  8. I'd Like To Talk To You : bicara dg Douglas & Julia
  9. Bathhouse In Crisis! Help Me! : Ke Messhina - Serene Garden, ambil batu pink, dekat batu coklat.
  10. Come Talk To Me: temui dia di Alvarna - Port (dapat cium)

  1. Please Deliver Something For Me : Antar Barang ke Rosalid
  2. I Want A Four-Leaf Clover. to Blessia - Center
  3. Help Me Look For Something : cari di tong” dalam toko
  4. I Need A Fisherman! : Salmon di Messhina – serene Garden
  5. Let's Talk : Lihat event
  6. I Have Something To Ask You : (random reaction) tidak harus jam 6pm
  7. A Delivery Request : dapat red scarf
  8. I Have Something To Tell You (event)
  9. It's A Date! : Jalan” dg Mana ke Blessia
  10. A Very Important Conversation (event) buka Q cincin dari Douglas

  1. Pleasen Find Me Some Lamp Grass : Trieste - Spring Clearing
  2. Please Find Me An Apple
  3. Please Deliver Something For Me : Kirim surat ke Byron
  4. Hiring Research Assistant : Buat dirimu sakit dg begadang sampe 3AM, selama 3 hari
  5. Private Message 1 : Picnic di Alvarna - North Square
  6. Please Capture A Monster : Small Fleece dari Wooly
  7. Magical Assistant Needed : event
  8. Please Get Some Rare Ingredients : minta dari Max saat dia di kamar-nya
  9. Private Message 2 (URGENT) : minta dari Max saat dia di kamar-nya
  10. Private Message 3 : Kencan di Blessia - Summer Isle Port

  1. Note: Kalau nikah dg Yue, dia tidak buka toko sampe mulai maen 2nd generation
  2. Nothing Comes Before Good Skin! : Trieste - Grassy Path ambil Honey
  3. Monster Money! : Blessia - Center after 6 PM and kill the panther
  4. Something's Wrong With My Kimono: bawa White Grass
  5. Scaling The Phantom Sand Dunes : Messhina - Path to Mountain, ambil batu untuk Yue.
  6. I'm Having Trouble With Someone : beri 1.000 G
  7. More Monster Money! : Blessia – Center, mancing di sisi kiri Patung
  8. Yue's Original Goods : Red, Blue & Yellow grass
  9. Yue's Original Goods (Continued) : Event (cari dia di west end)
  10. Help Me Find Something! : Temukan cincin di Blessia - Altar/Old Ship
  11. I Have Something To Tell You : Jawab Kuis (terserah)

  1. Let's Have A Contest! : bawa 9 Red Grass
  2. Give Something To Someone For Me : antar kalung ke Dorothy
  3. I Have A Secret Plan : Alvarna - Academy 9 PM.
  4. I Want To Go Somewhere : Jalan” ke Triste
  5. Come And See Me! : Event pura” nikah

  1. Looking For Someone To Talk To
  2. Some Casual Conversation

Sera & Serena
  1. Let's Play Hide-And-Seek! : Temukan mereka di Alvarna - North Square.
  2. Come Play With Us! : Temui Serena di North square, Lalu ke Blessia – Sandy Path. Kembali ke North square lagi.
  3. Let's Play A Guessing Game! : jawab "Sera's on the left!"
  4. Something A Little More Grown Up : event pura” nikah. Ke rumah sera, ambil barang di rak botol anggur.

  1. Something I Promised Roy : antar barang
  2. Help Me Out A Little ?: berikan sardine
  3. Deliver This For Me! : antar Pin
  4. Something's Bothering Me ..
  5. There's Something I Want To Say : event pura” nikah

  1. Something For You
  2. A Message From The Teacher : antar barang
  3. I Secretly Want Something : bunuh hornet 6PM di Messhina - Ruins
  4. I Have A Request For You
  5. Just Come Over, Please : event pura” nikah

  1. I Lost Something In My House : temukan Pin di lemari lante 2
  2. Talk Some Sense Into My Mom!
  3. I'm Trying To Study : beri Hot milk
  4. I Have A Secret Plan! : Alvarna - Academy at 9 PM
  5. Come To My House : event pura” nikah

*** Other Request ***

  • Super Training Plan: Strength! (ikuti arah-nya)
  • Super Training Plan: Luck! (maen suit sampe menang)
  • Super Training Plan: Memory! (paper & salmon)
  • Super Training Plan: Etiquette!, jawabanya sbb: 
  1. - Q1: Fold it in half and put it on your lap.
  2. - Q2: "Eat it a little at a time, with a spoon.
  3. - Q3: Knife in right hand, fork in left.
  4. - Q4: "Break it up into bite-sized pieces."
  5. - Q5: Shine a light on it to check the color.

  • Super Training Plan: Graduation!
  • Find a Wolf Fang by killing some wolves at Padova Mountains-Flowing River,

  1. Get This for Me :Temukan barang di Trieste Forest-Spring Clearing
  2. I Got into a Fight with Mana... (berikan surat douglas ke mana)
  3. Let's Talk about This Like Men
  4. I Challenge You! : Quest cincin untuk lamar Mana

  1. Please Find : temui Barrett di "Alvarnna, East End".
  2. Town Patrol : Bicara ke SEMUA orang.
  3. Please Give Natalie Some Form : kirim barang ke natalie

  1. Please Taste This for : pilih tambahkan sedikit garam & wine
  2. I'm Running Out of Ingredients : bicara dg Ceci
  3. Going to the Forest? : bawakan aple
  4. Lost-and-Found : temukan cincin di Meshinna Valley-Riverbank

  1. Please Get Me an Amethyst : cari di Blesia (dpt HAMMER)
  2. Please Get Me an Aquamarine : cari di triste
  3. Please Get Me Some Sturdy String : dari laba” di hutan, malam”
  4. Find a Diamond for Me : cari di Padova mountains.
  5. I've Got Something for You : dapat barang untuk lamar Dorothy

  1. A Quest for : bawa Rice (dpt MILKER)
  2. A Quest for Lunch : bawa fried egg (dpt 5000g)

  1. came here for second : temukan kalung ceci (dpt SICKLE)

  1. Batle strategis : Orc (bonus AXE - hanya Q pertama)
  • Quest Tanya Quest bunuh monster & bisa di ulang

  1. I'm Looking for Something : ambil buku di Greja
  2. Get me an Item : bawa arrowhead
  3. I Need Another Item : bawa quality cloth
  4. I Want to Give Dorothy : antar barang

  1. Delivery Work (Big Money!) : kirim bayam buat jake
  2. Top Secret Work (Big Money!) : Arrowhead

  1. I Lost My Stethoscope : ambil barang di kamar kiri rumah Herman
  2. Delivery Boy Wanted : kirim barang ke Byron
  3. Shots Aren't Scary! : bicara dg roy
  4. Housesitter Wanted : cari natalie di hutan saat camy datang

  1. Please Find Some Medicinal Herbs
  2. Help Them Make Up (bicara dg natalie & Alicia)
  3. Help Needed for On-Site Training : hunt dg ray di hutan
  4. Please Deliver Some Medicine : antar barang ke barret
Item yg harus di sediakan untuk persiapan 2nd generation quest Goa:
  • 3 Pink Turnips
  • 12 Apples
  • 6 Pineapples
  • 6 Moondrops
  • 6 Pink Cats
  • 5 Silver
  • 12 Scrap Iron
  • 4 Aquamarines
  • 3 Diamonds

Trieste Forest
Statue 1: 3 Pink Turnips
Statue 2: 12 Apples
Statue 3: bunuh 4 Tricky Mushrooms

Blessia Island
Statue 1: 6 Pineapples
Satue 2: Mini Quiz Answers: A,C,C,A
Statue 3: cangkul 36 kotak di southeast beach.
Statue 4: bawa 6 Moondrop & 6 Pink Cat flowers.

Messhina Valley
Statue 1: bunuh 3 Buffalo, 4 Queen Bees, and finally 5 Hobgoblins.
Statue 2: tanam 36 sayur di holy statue area sampe siap panen
Statue 3: 5 silver + 15 scrap iron

Padova Mountains
Statue 1: 4 aquamarines & 3 diamonds.
Statue 2: bersihkan & cangkul fields dalam cave.
Statue 3: bunuh 4 Tundra. Go back to kill 5 High Orc Vikings, and finally 6 Dark Slime.

Spellbooks & Inquisitive Waltz
Bola api
Bookcase di Farm House 1F.
halaman 1: quest pertama Alicia.
Halaman 2: quest pertama Cecilia

Sonic Angin
Perpustakaan Sekolah
halaman 1: quest kedua Roy
Halaman 2: quest ketiga Gordon
Batu Spikes
Perpustakaan Sekolah
halaman 1: quest 2nd Egan
Halaman 2: quest Tanya ke 15.

Naga Breaker
Perpustakaan Sekolah (setelah Barrett menyembunyikannya dari Anda).

Shine - Gen Kedua
- dari Barrett setelah pelatihan di Dojo (6 mengalahkan monster dalam kursus pelatihan 2)
halaman 1: quest ketiga Yue
Halaman 2: quest kedua Max.

Life Drain (anak)
- dari Barrett setelah pelatihan di Dojo (6 mengalahkan monster dalam kursus pelatihan 2).
halaman 1: quest kedua Yue
Halaman 2: quest pertama Ray

Cure penyembuhan (anak)
- Bookcase di Klinik 1F.
Halaman 1: quest pertama Barrett
Halaman 2: quest pertama Natalie Complete itu.

Medication (anak)
- Bookcase di Klinik 1F.
Halaman 1: quest pertama Yue
Halaman 2: quest pertama Douglas
Escape (anak) - Farm House, Pusat Dining Table.

Air Laser (anak)
- Bookcase di Farm House 2F (di belakang istrimu - tunggu dia pergi dari situ).
Halaman 1: quest 2nd Barrett
Halaman 2: quest 25 Tanya
{Inquisitive Waltz}
Cara untuk memperoleh dan menggunakan Waltz Inquisitive:
1. Generasi Kedua.
2. Membangun Perpustakaan dari walikota untuk 10.000 G dan 100 kayu.
3. Dapatkan Striking March dari Inn, ruang di bagian kanan di lantai pertama. Akan ada cutscene dengan Orland.
4. Pergi ke perpustakaan dan mendapatkan Waltz Inquisitive dari rak.
5. bawa pet - mu ke dungeon.
6. Bersihkan semua generator & musuh di area tersebut
7. Gunakan Waltz Inquisitive dan pet Anda akan berii item.
8. tingkat sukses beda-beda.

Data yg lain ada di
Favorite Gifts: Pumpkin, Boiled Pumpkin, Skipjack, Skipjack Sashimi
Birthday Gifts: Fried Rice (2 Spring)
Skipjack can be found in Pond or Port in Fall

Favorite Gifts: Salmon, Iron
Birthday Gifts: Skipjack Sashimi (5 Spring)

Favorite Gifts: Pumpkin Pudding, Tomato, Cherry Grass Flower
Birthday Gifts: Fried Udon (21 Spring)

Favorite Gifts: Eggplant, Miso Eggplant, Autumn Grass
Birthday Gifts: Seafood Doria (27 Spring)

Favorite Gifts: Onion, Spinach, Bull's Horn
Birthday Gifts: Platinum (23 Summer)

Favorite Gifts: Fluffy Scarf, Proof of Warrior, Platinum
Birthday Gifts: Snapper Sashimi (6 Autumn)

Favorite Gifts: Pink Melon, Pink Cat Flower, Vegetable Juice,
Birthday Gifts: Grape Juice (8 Autumn)

Favorite Gifts: Pumpkin, Proof of Warrior
Birthday Gifts: Amethyst Ring (15 Autumn)

Favorite Gifts: White Cabbage, Charm Blue
Birthday Gifts: Stew (21 Autumn)

Favorite Gifts: Tomato Juice, Pineapple Juice
Birthday Gifts: Curry Rice (10 Winter)

Favorite Gifts: Wolf Fang, Apple, Apple Pie
Birthday Gifts: Ruby ring (21 Winter)
Easiest: Aqua Marine (Common in Trieste)
Other Favorite Gifts: Diakon, Fried Udon
Birthday Gifts: Cabbage Cakes (9 Spring)

Easiest: Toy Herb/Carrot
Other Favorite Gifts: Salad
Birthday Gifts: Seafood Pizza (16 Spring)

Easiest: Pink Turnip
Other Favorite Gifts: 4 Leaf Clover, Premonition of Love
Birthday Gifts: Roasted Yam (9 Summer)

Easiest: Amethyst or Ruby (Common in Blessia)
Other Favorite Gifts: Platinum, Emerald, Diamond, Sapphire
Birthday Gifts: Aquamarine Brooch (12 Summer)

Easiest: Strawberry
Other Favorite Gifts: Diamond
Birthday Gifts: Emerald Ring (28 Summer)
make note that your gift won't affect her LP

Easiest: 4 Leaf Clover (Try to cheat on one of Mana's quest where she asks you to get 4 leaf clover for her, give it to Rosalind and then cancel the quest, retake again if you like)
Other Favorite Gifts: Sweetie Potato, Grape Liqueur
Birthday Gifts: Hot Milk (27 Fall)

Easiest: Char (Go fishing in Blessia Center Area, near the fence)
Other Favorite Gifts: Fried Char, Emery Flower
Birthday Gifts: Strawberry Jam (2 Winter)
Favorite Gifts: Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Insect Skin, Marmalade (2nd Gen), Rainbow Trout Sashimi (2nd Gen)
Birthday Gifts: Hot Chocolate (15 Summer)

Favorite Gifts: Potato, Panther Claw, Giant Glove (2nd Gen), Ice Cream (2nd Gen), Steamed Gyoza (2nd Gen)
Birthday Gifts: French Fries (25 Winter)

Sera and Serena (2nd Gen)
Favorites: Tomato Juice, Pudding, Omelet Rice
Birthday Gifts: Marmalade (29 Fall)

Leann (2nd Gen)
Favorites: Pizza, Cheese Fondue, Mixed Ole
Birthday Gifts: Sapphire Ring (27 Winter)

Orland (2nd Gen)
Favorites: Taimen Sashimi
Birthday Gifts: Sunsquid Sashimi (15 Winter)
Taimen can be found in Padova, Tomb

Leonel (2nd Gen)
Favorites: Chocolate Cake, Pancake, Feather Cap
Birthday Gifts: Mixed Juice (3 Summer)

No Favorite Items
You can give him present 3x (Morning, Afternoon, Night) to get another food from him

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