Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Harvest Moon DS Cute ~ Marriage

Harvest Moon DS Cute ~ Marriage


Getting Married..........................................................INTRO2
   Love Points...........................................................INTRO3
   Proposal Requirements.................................................INTRO4
   After You Get Married.................................................INTRO5

Normal Bachelors..........................................................NORM1
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................CART2
    Heart Events..........................................................CART3
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................GRIF2
    Heart Events..........................................................GRIF3
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................GUST2
    Heart Events..........................................................GUST3
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................MARL2
    Heart Events..........................................................MARL3
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................ROCK2
    Heart Events..........................................................ROCK3

Normal Rivals.............................................................NORM2
  Flora (Carter)..........................................................CART4
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................CART5
    Rival Events..........................................................CART6
  Muffy (Griffin).........................................................GRIF4
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................GRIF5
    Rival Events..........................................................GRIF6
  Nami (Gustafa)..........................................................GUST4
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................GUST5
    Rival Events..........................................................GUST6
  Celia (Marlin)..........................................................MARL4
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................MARL5
    Rival Events..........................................................MARL6
  Lumina (Rock)...........................................................ROCK4
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................ROCK5
    Rival Events..........................................................ROCK6

Special Bachelor Skye (formerly Steiner)..................................SKYE1
   Likes and Dislikes.....................................................SKYE2
   Heart Events...........................................................SKYE4

Mineral Town Bachelors....................................................MINT1
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................CLIF2
    Heart Events..........................................................CLIF3
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................GRAY2
    Heart Events..........................................................GRAY3
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................KAI02
    Heart Events..........................................................KAI03
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................RICK2
    Heart Events..........................................................RICK3
  Trent (formerly Doctor).................................................TREN1
    Likes and Dislikes....................................................TREN2
    Heart Events..........................................................TREN3

Contact Info..............................................................BYE02

                                 Introduction                            INTRO1

Welcome to Forget-Me-Not Valley! Ever since the series first debuted on the
SNES in 1997, one of the main components of virtually every Harvest Moon game
has been to interact with your neighbors and eventually find someone to marry.
Harvest Moon DS Cute is no exception; in fact, in this game, you have eleven
bachelors to choose from!

When you start out, you'll have five potential husbands scattered around the
valley. These are the "normal" bachelors, and they were just regular characters
from the boy version of the game (and also your rivals for the girls'
affections). If you stay up late at night, you'll also meet the town thief, a
special bachelor you can marry. You won't have any rivals for Skye, but he does
take a little extra effort since he doesn't even show up in the town until at
least 10 pm. If you plug a copy of Friends of Mineral Town or More Friends of
Mineral Town into the GBA slot on the bottom of your DS, you can also marry one
of the five Mineral Town bachelors. (See that section for more information on
connectivity.) Unlike the male version, though, your game does not end if you
marry someone from out of town, so feel free to woo a city boy if you want.

*NOTE* Kai will come to your town every summer whether or not you connect to
the GBA. But because he's different from the normal bachelors and because he is
technically from the Mineral Town game, he's listed in the Mineral Town section
of this FAQ.

If you have the Japanese version of the game, you can also choose a Best Friend
from among the special girls from the boy version (Harvest Goddess, Witch
Princess, Keria the sleeping princess in the third mine or Leia the mermaid)
instead of a husband, but since I don't have the Japanese version and therefore
can't confirm any information about the best friend system, I'm not including
it in this FAQ. It has been repeatedly confirmed that none of the bachelorettes
are Best Friend-able in the North American release. However, you can see their
love points and heart color, and trigger the heart scenes with Leia and Keria.
The Witch Princess doesn't appear to count the number of animals that you kill
so you can't see all of her scenes. I'm not sure about the Harvest Goddess. I
haven't personally tested this other than to confirm that you can gain love
points with Leia. If you're interested, check out the FAQs for Harvest Moon DS,
the male version, because the Best Friend system is exactly the same as the
marriage system was in that game.

You're not the only husband-hunter in the valley, though! Watch out for your
rivals, as well. All five of the normal bachelors are also being wooed by
someone else. If you trigger all four of a bachelor's rival scenes with the
other woman, he won't be available to you as a potential husband and eventually
he will marry the rival. Fortunately, you can only trigger one rival event a

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